Qu Literary Magazine
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Thank you for sharing your work with Qu: a literary magazine.
Submissions will open May 15, 2025!
Payment Upon Publication: $100 per prose piece, $50 per poem or visual art. Contributors will also receive one copy of magazine.
We do not accept previously published work. International submissions are accepted with a caveat. Unfortunately, we cannot pay for contributors who are US citizens living abroad or non-US citizens at this time. Payment for publication in this case will be five copies of magazine.
Qu requires First Rights to publication (electronic and print). All rights revert back to authors upon publication. We, however, post online a number of the works we publish and they remain available on the archive section of the website after print publication, and so require Non-Exclusive Electronic Rights. Not all published pieces are posted online.
ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE DONE VIA SUBMITTABLE. Manuscripts submitted via email will NOT be considered.
Qu is a literary magazine, published by the MFA program at Queens University of Charlotte. The Qu editorial staff is comprised of current students.